Saturday, December 12, 2015

Funny Things That You Will See Only In India (20 pics)


India is a big country with different people living together having different traditions and cultures, you could find plenty of bizarre things around every corner of this country. this all things that you will not find in another country.



Friday, December 4, 2015

क्या लोग शिक्षण से सुखी हो गये हे?

school girls

क्या लोग शिक्षण से सुखी हो गये हे? ये एक बडा खुलासा हो गया हें. क्योकी आज के जमानेमे लोक शिक्षण ले रहे ही लेकिन उनको लोव दर्जाचे शिक्षण दिया जाता हे उनसे बच्चे को खाली बुक न्यान दिया जाता हे व्यावहारिक नाही. इनसे बच्चे लोक खाली रट्टा मारके पास तो हो जाते हे ओर इस फोर्मुलेसे खाली देश का साक्षरता का प्रमाण बडता है. बचे का व्यावहारिक न्यान नाही.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Most 8 Celebrities Don’t Know Are Black

Producer Cash Warren is most famous for being Jessica Alba’s husband. They do not look like an interracial couple at first.

“Flashdance” famous star in acting for decades. But after play role in “Devil in a Blue Dress,” many of her fans don’t know she’s forget.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Write MySql Statment:

Write MySql  Statment:

Que:-      Display the first 10 rows from the following data